The dark period before the days of light

August 2, 2011, Av 2, 5771

Dear friends!

If you follow after the events accurse in the world and Israel, you can understand the depth of the destructive apocalyptic dark days which is part of any area of our lives.

In Israel, many people from all streams and opinions, going out protesting against existential injustice and the high cost of life.

The question is what the real reason taking all those people out even the hot whether to protest?!

The deep source of this cry is the loss of any hope! the soul is crying out and seek  the truth! The emotions and the aggressive feelings, coming out and burns, as a form of madness.  It is the cry, calling one thing: the need of the soul to unite with the All-Mighty! The need to turn back for a better human world!

If we will ask any of the demonstrators their reasons for joining the demonstrations you will get probably a very shallow answer as: to download rental prices, food, gasoline and more.

But this is not as it seems! Deep inside the soul, the cry is completely different!

Through the History of many thousands years, the human being experienced the worst Paganism work. we gave increased power for every limited ones… We crowned Idols, Kings, Politicians, Intellectuals, Pop and movie stars, Fashion  stars – all connected with the material gods : gold and money!

We put all our efforts on the so called: advancement!!!

Indeed! We bowed down and worship on what we did with our 10 fingers (computers, Internet, science, communication media, excessive consumption culture and more) over and over, we were disappointed. now it's the time to stop and understand the extreme critical mass of these days which will intensify as long as we will try to get the real message: No more any external support to protect us, no more any stars or other gods . G-d is waiting for us to recognize his kingship!

I would like to remind you 3 amazing sentences from the Bible:

Ishaiah  2 vers 9:"But man shall be humbled, and mortal brought low- Oh, do not forgive them! Go deep into the rock; bury yourselves in the ground, before the terror of the Lord and His dread majesty! Man's haughty look shall be brought low, and the protest brought low, and the pride of mortals shall be humbled. None but the Lord shall be exalted in that day".

Ishaiah chapter 2:17:" And the pride of man brought low, none but the Lord shall be exalted in that day. As for Idols, they shall vanish completely, and men shell enter cavern in the rock and hollows in the ground – before the terror of the Lord and His majesty, when He comes forth to overcome the earth, On that day man shall fling away, to the flying foxes and bats, The Idols of silver and the Idols of gold which they made for worshiping, and they shall enter the clefts of the rocks and the crevices in the cliffs, before the terror of the Lord and His dread Majesty, when he comes forth to overawe the earth."

Ishaiah chapter 3:1 :" For lo! The sovereign Lord of hosts, will remove from Jerusalem and from Judah prop and stay , every prop of food and every prop of waters, soldier and worrier , magistrate and Prophet, augur and elder; Captain of fifty, magnate of counselor, skilled artisan and expert enchanter; and he will make their rules."

Thus, we can see that as the Prophet said: The G-d of Israel and the whole universe, took all the partition that caused the screen between us and Him, and on this hard period of time, we are forced to leave the known: habits, Gods and all what made us to be expelled. G-d appears from our inside. We are forced to study new language and to step in a field not armed and unknown. The fog is so heavy and it's so frightening with – out any points to lean. From here, the real cry can bring a real savior whom waiting us so many thousand of years…

Let's stop crying to heroes or stars,but start to cry as the people of Israel cried from the depth of their work in Egypt . For this kind of cry the All-mighty is waiting!

This period is with full of challenges. We meet the worst fears as Jacob met his fear, and through his struggle- earned the name : Israel !

We are required to give an effort, braveness, humility and a great decisiveness. But, more than all, the belief that it leads us towards salvation.

My best regards.

Daniel Braun
Public relations L'chaim

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