These days, we are witnessing dramatic events in the Arab countries. We can see that the Moslem stream, conquer slowly but surely its place in the streets and governments.
I am amazed again and again on my tours for lecturing in Europe, about the outrageous misunderstanding they have, on knowing so little about Islam and what it really represents.
First of all, we have to know that according to the Moslems, all of us: Jews, Christian and other religions are SINNERS !! All they have to do is to gain control and turn the world to be Moslem. All the gentle souls look in twisted ways in order to placate the Moslem leaders and they see it as a weakness.
They do it patiently and steadily to implant their beliefs, their Mosques and the way they dress everywhere.
Nevertheless, what is their objective?
We, the believers, we know that nothing in the Almighty's plans is coincidence. The main job of Islam is to wake us up from materialism and the long term sleep which we are wallowing in…
Their part is of waking us up back to work with our G-d . The Almighty has His ways and alarms to bring back Israel and Europe which are sinking deep into a materialistic culture that has become the new god for all of us.
The Almighty stimulates the Ishmaelites to wake us up and to bring us the understanding to see where we are mistaken and the way back.
We are going to have a lot of crisises which we never experienced before along the whole history. Our Prophet's words are confirmed entirely!
In order to change the human heart the old wayshave be ruined totally..
For-giving and having the strength to go through this, we have to do a lot of good things, having justice and a lot of kindness and being united.For the friends of Israel: love, pray and be one heart with the people of Israel.
My best wishes to all of you our friends!
Daniel Braun
Public relations L'chaim
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