The passageway from exile to salvation

January 9, 2011, Shevat 4, 5771

Dear friends!

We are on one of the hardest and confusing period which is the end of the exile and the beginning of salvation.

We can see how the exile is falling apart; lies appear in its nakedness, also the lies in our inner- selves.

We leave our Diaspora (ideas) that we had adopted along the years, the world has sunk in depth, and all is falling apart: Ozone, economy, the crazy whether and the horrible results from it, financial companies collapse and basic humanity is not playing a big part. More than that, the people feel how their old world is shaking.

We should remember, each person have in his little world the reflection of the wide world.

Let's remember what happened to Israel in Egypt at their first salvation. It was the All- mighty himself that interfere with the magic miracles in order to help them going out from the depth mud and the material slavery only to help them in taking the first step to freedom. With-out G-d's involvement and Moshe as an emissary of G-d, it couldn't happen.

This situation now is the same. The All-mighty brings us deliberately to understand that we don't have the power to fix thing because of our limitations. We will be standing in-front of a hopeless situation, naked, defenseless, without any basic ways to compete. This is exactly the way G-d is directing us.

 Our improvement is our heart. "And I create a new skies, new land as a new heart without the past". Only in this situation the All-mighty can create and give us salvation the way we had not know him for thousand of years .

The only tool we have is our belief and the faith we have in him, despite the confusion and the inner ruins in each of the sensitive hearts which is rebuild themselves again. We have to remember that the big shock is leading us for a growing process and a new horizons.

We are at the beginning of salvation. It will be very difficult; we shouldn't be disturbed by fool prophecy. We should be doing good things and with a lot of unique creativity. Do not be afraid to say "Yes" to life, go to a new direction, even though, it is very frightening.

Each of us has in his inner- self desire, vision, and lofty ambitions and it's so hard to leave the familiar and comfortable area behind us.

 We should understand the secret of this situation: it is done on purpose! It meant to be closer to our hearts on doing steps towards the unknown. Each of us knows what he would like the best for him, but so few, are ready to go against the main stream and not being afraid to see the new horizons.

It is hard and painful to go through this period but, a lot of good and joy will come out it. Than, we will dance and sing in Jerusalem the song of Halleluiah and the salvation." On that day, the All-mighty will be one and his name is one!"  

My best regards !
Daniel Braun
Public relations L'chaim

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