The individual's Salvation on the end of the days

Dear friends!

All of us, waiting for the promised days of salvation.

I would like to speak about this issue which is very personal for each of us.

Often, we are mistaken in thinking that the religious traditional world is giving us answers and let us grow. On the contrary! It is stagnating!!! Some times it's hidden with a nice and lighted face with a righteous behavior that does not have any connection with the rehabilitation that lead in the path going up to Bait El.

Human beings bumps many times in thier lives into countless dramas,bringing  them to a revelation and leads them to the change in the right direction. We all experienced it and our biggest fathers, had experienced it strongly.

Giant people as Moshe Rabinu, King David, King Solomon, Josef, Jacob, Abraham, Isaac and the prophets along the history, were coerced to compete with their own weaknesses.

We can see the story of Jonah as an example, and the story of Job as a very deep and painful example.

The story of King David in the book of Psalms, tells us his twisting torments, on his way to gain his kingdom because of his willingness to improve.

King David is a wonderful example for a person that the All-mighty himself designate him: "David, my servant whom I love".

Why G-d loved him so much?

David was authentic!

He could cry when he was unhappy, to dance when he was happy, to fight when it was necessary, and to be a good lover even it was forbidden. He asked for forgiveness when it needed and paid high price for the tragic mistakes he made.

He lived the life! He wasn't perfect. His relationship with his family was complicated. His daughter Tamar has been raped by her brother Amnon, and Avshalom cause Amnon's death as a revenge. also, tried to kill his father and steel his kingdom. This is certainly not an ideal family situation.

Still, what was it so special in David?

His willingness, the ability to improve and never giving up. He had very intimate relationships with G-d, and this is what G-d is expecting from us to be intimate with Him as our father.

I feel, that too many people look for other places to collect strang knowledge and beliefs.But the real knowledge is the real life. The theater of life if we will be more attentive to take role in the game for our revelation along the dramas of our lives.

It demands honesty and faith. The journey for salvation is full of pains,ups and downs. It brings us to be in situations that are dark and not clear. We need the faith in order to continue. Every thing is for the best, no need for angst. we learn from each drama! the pain is real and physical because it brings the change only if we don't reject it or running away from it. we should see every painful case as a chance to climb and go up.

The name of the game is Personal responsibility! Somehow people running away from it to a comfortable areas which is hiding the real work: rehabilitation!

When each of us will understand these special time, and will be busy in their rehabilitation it will make them to be closer to their salvation.

Dear friends!

Time is running out and we have to be more alert and to understand that 'times has changed'.The ideas about time have been shrunk and the Almighty by himself is in the events we call by mistake bad, unwelcome, painful or not chosen.

It is our preparation and the way to purified ourselves for His big entrance.

Let's achieve the promised revelation.

Yours Daniel.

P.s. we should remember that the last thing G-d wants is that we will be trained as blinds, on our way to our self-discovery.

Daniel Braun
Public relations L'chaim

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