Welcome at the site of foundation L'Chaim-to-life (The Netherlands)

We support from The Netherlands the organisation L'Chaim-to-life in Israël. Wij seek financial and practical support in the broadest possible way in The Netherlands.

Shalom !

Februari 2021

For the Englisch translation, please visit the Israeli website (in English)

November 3, 2020

The latest update has been done with Activities 5780  (the letter of oktober 16, 2020).
The website will be changed in the future.  You can find the english translation on the Israeli website from this moment. 
The new link will be :  https://timekkolman.wixsite.com/lechaim-to-life 
It is possible to visit the new website already.

February 3, 2020

The page of the LEV-shop in Heerlen has been updated.

Contribution options:

1. our website lechaim2life.org.il in the red button on the left side of the page. There you can pay: Paypal and credit.

2. cheque to the bank account of "Lechaim" as: Suki Kestenbaum, 12410 request Golan Heights Israel.

3. bank transfer: Mizrachi Bank, Jerusalem Israel, Ac. Number. 290850, Bank 20, Brunch 458, Swift Nu. Miziblit, IBAN: IL020204580000000290850.

Please, respond to us to help others,
Daniel Braun

Some short information has been released on internet to show in a short message what L'Chaim to life is.

Video from Daniel explaining about the situation in the South of Israel and what he wants to do, to give the citizens a few days rest.

In the south of the Netherlands we do have started a L'Chaim secondhands shop.

** The character size of this website can be altered to choice by using <ctrl>- en <ctrl>+,
(depending on your screen size). The latest information is usually at the top of the page, unless stated otherwise. **


You will pray to Adonai Elohim (The LORD your G'd)  and serve Him alone.
My nephesh (soul) burns all days with homesickness to Your Mitsvot (rules for life).

Deut 10:12 
Ps 119:20


To unsubcribe, please send a mail to lechaimtolife777@gmail.com 

 (c) L'Chaim-to-life Nederland 2010 - 2020